soft skills
Giving truthful and grace-filled feedback on a difficult topic like a soft skill at the right time, in the right tone…that’s the hard part. It takes repetition and it takes that coach having a coach. All coaches need coaches.
the magical key card
In leadership development what we want is a magical key card that unlocks every issue, but the skill is knowing which of the many keys to use at the right time.
Helping young leaders ask a better question
Kristin Miller on the subtle difference of a better question: “What would you do?” VS “What would you do IF YOU WERE ME?”
7 Must-Reads if You're Leading Gen Z
Our list of books, blogs, emails & thought leaders all around developing the next generation.
it didn’t work out. 5 things this does not mean.
You’re first ministry role didn’t work out. Five things this does NOT mean.
5 Leadership Behaviors to Retain Gen Z Talent
Here are five traits that we see smart leaders of Gen Z doing that are helpful to cross the generational gap. (and yes, I’m cringing…I’ve been guilty of not doing all of these…hey, we’re all still learning here).
4 things we need in a boss
How do we find and keep young 20 somethings on our team? What does Gen-Z need in a boss? We asked these questions of a 25 year old leader whom we can all learn
understanding genz
Sometimes it doesn’t take three hundred words to make an excellent point. Recently at a Masterclass in Cincinnati we were discussing how to understand young leaders/GenZ/twenty somethings and high school pastor Mike Shelley had the perfect answer.
What does a resident actually do?
Begin by dividing the columns into six-month increments: the first 6 months, months 7-12, and the 2nd year (months13-24). Brainstorm the individual skills a resident should acquire. This is especially beneficial to do together with other staff members on your team. Have them each write tasks on post-it notes.
3 Things to Remember When it Doesn't Work
You envisioned your church, you got the funding, you launched, you recruited, you interviewed (several times!), you onboarded, you invested, you coached, you prayed, consulted, …and that resident STILL didn’t work out.
Avoiding Burnout in Residency and in Ministry
It’s that time of year again! In ministry, the holidays can result in weariness with busy schedules and juggling expectations at home, yet, it’s the prime time in which people in the community often explore the Church and who Jesus is. How can we best serve others and help them meet Jesus if we, ourselves, are running on empty? The reality is, we can’t!
5 Actions That Will Drive Continual Growth with Young Leaders
Brittany Crimmel is a 20-something Production Manager at Saddleback Church’s Lake Forest Campus in southern CA. As an impressive as that might be, it’s really her passion to grow, helping others meet Jesus all along the way that is inspiring, especially as you take a closer look into the path that got her where she is today and what the future might hold 5 or 10 years from now.
The Real Skills
Seth Godin calls these the REAL SKILLS for today’s workers.
We agree and it’s the basis of our coaching conversations.
Linchpin Behaviors
Linchpin behaviors…we all have them. Helping young leaders get early and simple wins and develop a small amount of discipline may in fact land them in the place you’d love to see them get to. Focus on the behavior before the behavior.
The Whole Person Wellness Plan
Stef Rowe LMHC offers up eight areas to consider assessing for the Whole Person before going to professional counseling.
Adding Women to your All Male Team (part one)
This conversation is for leaders who are at great churches who have a history and legacy and want to add women to an all-male team. Senior Pastor Mark Chitwood joins, Teaching Pastor and Elder, Stef Rowe to tell the Stonebridge story of adding women to their preaching schedule and elder board.
Four Reminders for Young Boomers & Gen Xers
It’s always good to remember that we were all a younger generation once.
Getting Fired Is Just a Different Starting Line
Getting fired from a job is often seen as a negative experience, but for young people in their early 20s, it may not be such a bad thing after all. While it may initially feel like a setback, there are plenty of experts who would say otherwise.
6 Considerations When Adding Women to Your Team
Becky Ykema talks about considerations every senior leader must consider when adding female leaders for the first time to their team. And Dave Miller discovers how bad he is at some of this.
Congrats on Hiring that Intern or Resident! What Should Change Monday? Three Questions for You.
It’s that time of year…spring-ish…heading towards Easter and their internship or leadership residency is coming to a close in just a few months. It’s time to make an offer for full-time ministry for them to join your team. Is this a finish line or a starting line? It’s both! And we should honor both of those milestones in this new leader's life.