coaching coaching

soft skills

Giving truthful and grace-filled feedback on a difficult topic like a soft skill at the right time, in the right tone…that’s the hard part. It takes repetition and it takes that coach having a coach. All coaches need coaches.

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coaching Dave Miller coaching Dave Miller

the magical key card

In leadership development what we want is a magical key card that unlocks every issue, but the skill is knowing which of the many keys to use at the right time.

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coaching Dave Miller coaching Dave Miller

understanding genz

Sometimes it doesn’t take three hundred words to make an excellent point. Recently at a Masterclass in Cincinnati we were discussing how to understand young leaders/GenZ/twenty somethings and high school pastor Mike Shelley had the perfect answer.

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coaching Dave Miller coaching Dave Miller

What does a resident actually do?

Begin by dividing the columns into six-month increments: the first 6 months, months 7-12, and the 2nd year (months13-24). Brainstorm the individual skills a resident should acquire. This is especially beneficial to do together with other staff members on your team. Have them each write tasks on post-it notes.

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coaching coaching

5 Actions That Will Drive Continual Growth with Young Leaders

Brittany Crimmel is a 20-something Production Manager at Saddleback Church’s Lake Forest Campus in southern CA. As an impressive as that might be, it’s really her passion to grow, helping others meet Jesus all along the way that is inspiring, especially as you take a closer look into the path that got her where she is today and what the future might hold 5 or 10 years from now.

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