The Whole Person Wellness Plan
from Stef Rowe LMHPC
These are stressful times for young leaders. Fall ministry has ramped up and that means new levels of leadership are required. Add to that all that is happening on the world stage - how do we engage appropriately without scrolling endlessly on TikTok? It’s tough to look away.
All of these external forces can drive mental unhealthy in young leaders (and all of us).
Stef Rowe LHMPC offers the Wheel of Wellness Plan. Behaviors to assess and engage in before getting to the counselor.
There’s a shortage of counselors across the country. This is especially true of rural communities, and underserved areas. Sometimes telling someone on your team to “go see a therapist” might lead to a 6 to 9-month wait.
So…here are some steps you can take BEFORE offering up the professional counseling option.
Stef shared with us the following 8 domains of a person’s life that can be measured BEFORE we get to the 9th step of Professional Counseling and Meds. (see graphic)
Consider taking each of these areas and using it as a coaching tool with those on your team that are struggling. Could you write each of these on the wall and give them a GREEN/YELLOW or RED and a directional arrow of up, flat, or down, and create a sort of check-in dashboard for an upcoming coaching session.
It would look similar to other CHECK IN tools that you are using.
Helping a young leader personally assess and give proof for their self-assessment in each area may prove HUGELY beneficial before we get to the step of professional counseling.
Want more on this topic? Check out Stef on the Lp First Thursday Webinar HERE
If you want to level-up how you care for young leaders on your team through coaching and residency please set up a call.