February webinar:

researching & learning about Gen Z

with billy mcmahan

February 6, 2025
Noon Eastern

Gen Z continues to redefine culture, communication, and engagement—and churches must adapt to connect with, and create leaders with this dynamic generation. Billy McMahan joins us in February for an eye-opening webinar that unpacks the latest research and trends shaping Gen Z today. Discover why these findings matter for your ministry and how to effectively engage this emerging generation with authenticity, purpose, and faith.

Billy desires to walk with people, cast vision, and call people towards the Great Commission. He holds a BA in Intercultural studies from Biola University, an MA in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton, and is working toward a DMin in Organizational Leadership at Asbury Theological Seminary. Billy is also the incoming President of the Great Commission Research Network and has experience researching and writing on Gen Z, Evangelistic Strategy, and Leadership Development.

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Some of the previous guests of First Thursday: Dr. Tim Elmore, Dan Rockwell, Brittany Crimmel, Rich Birch, Holly Tate, Warren Bird, Stefanie Rowe, Dr. David Fletcher, Mandi Smith, Brandon Cormier, Lisa Birle, Dillon Smith, Tiffany Henning, Andy Brightbill, Gabrielle Christie, Austin Rockwell, Matt McKay, Kristin Miller, and others… We are thankful for all who give of their time and story to influence young leaders and those leaders that lead them.

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