Emilie Knauss : My Leadership Pathway
I just kept saying yes.
While still in high school, I kept getting opportunities for leadership and activities in my home church. I just kept saying yes, which eventually landed me in the position of being the “go-to” worship leader on Sunday mornings. I was completely in over my head, but there were some great people there challenging and encouraging me to go for it.
What We Believe in a Baker's Dozen Tweets
What we believe, and the stuff we say over and over…in 13 tweets. Or a baker’s dozen. By the way…can bakers not count or are they just nice? We’re not sure.
RESIDENCY What & How by Sean Badeer
It’s going to take a new kind of leader to lead in the local church. And we need them now more than ever before. This is what drives our passion for creating church leaders at Leadership Pathway. What we do is fueled by a passion to see a new generation of leaders prepared for ministry through the local church.
David Ramirez in his Own Words
Every leader's pathway is unique, and David Ramirez' path is no different. He is currently in the Denver area and is pursuing online education.
What is your current status? (job title, church)
Connections Resident, LifeBridge Church in Longmont, CO.
Paying it Forward with Brandon Grant
Sometimes “paying it forward” doesn’t take decades. Just ask worship leader Brandon Grant of Eastside Community Church in Richmond, KY. “I was headed to the University of KY to pursue a law degree,” says Brandon, “and then my pastor challenged me to think about ministry.”
Where Do Residents Come From?
People ask all the time where do you find residents? So here's a quick scan of the most recent applicants and where they came from:
Loyola University with a Masters in International Studies
College drop-out who has been working a job for the last 3 years
Auburn University Grad with a Business degree
From within their own church
Values of a Teaching Church
We are always trying to find ways to succinctly say what we care deeply about. We hold six shared values with the churches which we partner with: Coaching, Obligation, Endgame, Filling the Gaps, Best Practices, and Leadership Development.
Under the Hood of Perimeter Church Residency Program
Leadership Pathway (Lp) is thrilled to partner with Perimeter Church of Atlanta. We are searching for their next worship resident. You can read more about that opportunity here. We thought we’d pick the brain of Leah Sowell, the Director of the Residency program and learn all we could about their journey doing residency at Perimeter.
A Senior Pastor's Take on Investing in Residents
Discovery Christian Church in Broomfield, Colorado (Denver) is several years into building a residency program. Recently, we *sat down with the Lead Pastor of Discovery, Steve Cuss, to talk about the unique view a senior pastor brings to such an endeavor. Discovery averages about 1,000 people on a typical week and is about fourteen-years-old.
Top Ten Questions (part two)
I am a big believer in the next generation. I don’t buy into the negativity that often surrounds young twenty somethings in the workplace. Those negative voices aren’t talking the same students that I’m talking to. These young leaders are the not only capable, but they have passion and purpose, and want to see the church impact communities, reach their peers, and change the world.
Top Ten Questions (part one)
Leadership Pathway (Lp) matches potential ministry residents with churches that have committed to being a teaching church. We then coach the staff at the church in the best practices of equipping the resident for two years in 20Core Competencies in our coaching manual we’ve called a Guidebook.
First Ministry Interview? Here's 3 or 4 Things to Do to Be Ready
Self-Awareness is key when taking your first step in ministry. As you begin to interview for that first residency or full time, role, you'll find that church leaders speak in a variety of "self-awareness languages" - here are three or four.:
Take this opportunity to learn about you in the following ways:
2 Stories, 2 Residents, 1 Life
A few years ago I spoke with a young man on the phone. He was trying to figure out his future and what his next step should be in ministry. I listened to his story and experiences and knew that if he would just stick with it eventually he’d get picked up. The thing I kept reminding him was that great churches are always looking for great people. It came true in the Spring of 2016. This young man was hired at Central Christian Church in the Phoenix area.
A Dozen Questions with Mel Householder
Lp will soon have two new residents moving into Longmont, Colorado to begin the journey at LifeBridge Church. We wanted to get perspective on what this will be like from Worship Arts Associate, Mel Householder. Mel spent two years in residency and is now full time on staff.
Here are her answers to a dozen questions in her own edits.
Dakota Draper
Growing up in one of the largest churches in America has its advantages. Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY is a great place, and an even better place to be when God gets hold of your heart for the things of Him.
This is where Dakota Draper was all through high school. “I gotta admit, I have been given a gift,” says Dakota, “how many people get to see hundreds, maybe thousands, of students give their life to Jesus and follow Him?” But that’s exactly what it was like at Southeast.
Be Ready for these Questions
Whether you are interviewing for a residency, or for your first vocational ministry role there are critical questions that you will be asked. We hear a some over and over.
Does your resume, the stories you tell, and your current supervisor see your track record similarly?
Andrew Oceans Reed
Meet Andrew Oceans Reed, Communications Resident at Cornerstone Church in Litchfield, MN. Andrew has only been in his new residency program at Cornerstone for just over a month but has already gained a plethora of experience in his new communication-specific ministry role. “I think this residency has been completely crucial to my long-term ministry,” says Andrew. “I am getting the exact work experience I need and I am learning and growing in ways that will prepare me for years to come.”
How Well Do You Know You?
Knowing who you are beyond the surface, AND understanding the implications of it in your work history will save you the same frustration at your next place of employment. God has uniquely wired, crafted, and gifted you to be of use in His world. This is His story that we are characters in. Understanding your perspective and part will help you take the next best steps.
Kelsey DePauw
Kelsey grew up in church and all throughout high school knew she was called to go to a Christian college. And although she felt a calling, she didn’t fully understand what it meant to do ministry nor did she have an certain area or direction she felt passionate about. It wasn’t long into her time at school that God began to grow a passion in her heart for kids in the church. “I knew that the time I spent with the kids could be the only time they experienced Jesus in their entire lives. So I decided I would do everything I could to make that experience a wonderful experience, and one that will impact and grow their faith so that they can feel Jesus’ love just like I have.”
Two Powerful Questions to Ask Your Supervisor
I was recently asked to come present to one of my favorite church staffs in the city where I live. I could talk on any topic, and I had 30 minutes to share. The church has a multi-layered staff with many in their first ministry, including several who are also in their first management/leadership role.
Hmmm…what should I have heard if I had been listening when I was first beginning on a church staff?