megan walls : My leadership pathway

If you are considering full-time ministry, just go for it and take a leap of faith. If you’re not totally sure, find a shorter commitment like an internship. If you’re almost positive, apply for aresidency.

Megan Walls, Production Resident at New City Church in Charlotte, NC, offers this advice to anyone considering the next step toward ministry. It will probably be hard at times, but you’ll grow and have so many great times and learning moments, that it’ll all be worth it. God may call you somewhere you’ve never been, and you know no one. Just leap. You’ll land on your feet, and God will provide people for you.”

For Megan, her leadership journey began in high school in Florida, where she began serving in Kids ministry. She dabbled a little in production, as well, and later joined the Production team at her church, where she became a valuable member on their team and eventually an intern.

The leap she took to move to Charlotte for residency was, no doubt, difficult for her. She acknowledges, It was really hard moving away from my family for the first time. It still is, but it has gotten easier over time and made the moments we do get to spend together all the better.

In addition, she’s witnessed several staff members exit from their team, and although most had good reasons, she admits that she’s definitely not a fan of people leaving, especially those she considers or would like to still have had the opportunity to become good friends. Even though that may be a reality in just about any type of employment setting, she finds that that was really hard for her.

When asked what she’s learning in residency, Megan says, I am way more capable than I give myself credit for. Do I mess up a lot and still get confused? Absolutely. But there have also been so many moments that I have stepped up and come through when I had no idea I could. All thanks to God! And as she continues in her 2nd year of residency, she has hopes to acquire better audio skills.

When she first began, having community and experiencing a new place were very important to her, as well as proving how how much she knew. Today, community remains important; it’s just not as much of a concern, because she’s found her people.. Now she is grappling with where she fits best and will find the most joy. Fortunately for her, much of what she has learned and experienced thus far in her residency is transferrable in other ministry areas within the church.


it didn’t work out. 5 things this does not mean.


chris hupp : my leadership pathway