Launching an intentional residency to grow people into eventual staff leaders at your church takes many things. A plan, some coaching, content, determination, job descriptions, onboarding process and the list goes on and one and easily can be overwhelming. It need not be.
The number one thing it takes is a name. Who might be a good candidate to do this? More than one name it takes a list of names of who to approach to even apply to be considered.
I just spent time with a dynamic church staff on their retreat. There were 19 people in the room. I hadn’t planned on doing this but had some extra time for my session. They are a great church and should be launching resident #4 and #5 soon.
Here’s what I did and I think you can do this your team as well:
Turn off all phones and electronics
Hand them something to write on (or just use the form below. You can easily print it and use it).
Read the 1st Sam 3 account of Samuel hearing the voice of God.
Tell your story of how you got into ministry…who gave you a shot? Who challenged you? Probably more than one person along the journey from high school to age ____ (whatever age you began in ministry). Reality is, the voice of God sounded a lot like those people in your life!
Ask them who they know that could do their job someday IF they are coached, developed, educated, encouraged, and brought into an intentional residency process over a couple of years. Tell them to write the name down and that you are going to go around the room and see if anyone might know of someone.
Then pray that the Holy Spirit would bring people to mind and then be quiet for five or 10 minutes (it feels like an eternity) and allow the room to think.
Go around the room and allow each person to tell you their name, age, stage of life & why they came to mind.
Write them on the sheet or the board and capture them. This is your list of referred names that already have a relationship with someone on your team. In a recruiting sense of the word…this is golden.
My experiences with this exercise never cease to surface dozens of names. I have seen a team of 10 have over one hundred names to talk about.
Will every one of the 28 names land highly desired and hirable in ministry in two years? Of course not. Could one? Could three of them? YES and absolutely. it happens over and over again.
Want learn how to build a pipeline of names both inside and outside of your church?