The masterCLASS
What if you could get in a room with like-minded leaders for a couple of days to learn about how to launch a sustainable residency program to help find, support, and develop the next generation of leaders?
“Between the teaching, coaching, peer conversations, and the resources provided, nothing was left untouched. I wish I had been able to attend this before I even began my role as overseeing our residency program,” says Cimber Cummings, Rolling Hills Church, Franklin, TN.
Topics included vision, launching, funding, recruiting, HR/legal concerns, pre-boarding, onboarding, coaching, assessments, helping transition residents to full time roles, and more… It sounds like a lot because it is, but where else can you get an intense 2.5 days on just this topic with people like yourself who are passionate about growing and launching the next generation?
Paige Peltier of Chapelstreet Church in Chicago echoed this when she said, “Not only where there a lot of practical take -aways but being in the room together really increased my confidence in our partnership with Leadership Pathway.”
“I leave this week equipped and inspire,” Phil Kizzee of First Naz in Lemont, IL.
You can read more about The Masterclass HERE, reserve a spot, and take advantage of early bird pricing for those that are slated in 2024.